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Do you have a promising WASH project with a solid business idea or prototype, aimed at creating impact in rural and urban areas in Ghana? Do you need support to launch your business? If so, this programme is the perfect fit for you. We are committed to providing comprehensive support to help you refine your model, validate your solution, and build a sustainable and impactful business. Our incubation programme offers capacity building, mentorship, networking opportunities and financial support to help you turn your vision into reality. Join us and lay a strong foundation for your enterprise’s success.

Programme objectives

Support 8 – 10 early-stage youth-led WASH start-ups, enabling to start operating, and prove their impact by benefiting low-income communities.

The aim is for the entrepreneurs to have, at the end of the programme, a sustainable business model with potential, validated in a pilot project.

Target audicences

Committed early-stage WASH entrepreneurs from 18 to 35 years old.




Why join the incubator?

  • Tailored to your needs 

We offer you tailored and personalised business development.

  • Business & WASH experts

We combine business expertise and relevant WASH professionals with business development knowledge.

  • Networking opportunities

We organise a pitching event, create mentorships and connect you to support organisations and potential clients to help you reach a solid customer base.

  • Seed-funding

USD 5,000$ seed-funding grant for validating your market and validating a pilot project.

  • Long-term support

We join and guide you on your incubation journey over a 12-month period with in-person trainings and online individual coaching.


Details & Timeline


Submission Deadline

Sunday, 28 July 2024
Submit your application before 28 July 2024

Announcement of selected entrepreneurs

August 2024

Program Kick-off

2 September 2024 (TBC)
Attend the online programme kick-off session (ONLINE)



Bootcamp 1

From 16 September 2024 (TBC)
5-days incubation bootcamp to learn how to start a successful WASH business and to prepare the MVP phase.

MVP Phase

October-November 2024
Participating start-ups will take 2,5 months to analyse market potential and validate the feasibility by prototyping their solution, supported by individual coaching sessions. With some funding provided, it is hoped that the start-ups can establish a minimum viable product (MVP) by the second bootcamp.

Bootcamp 2

Early-December (TBC)
5-days incubation bootcamp to fine-tune both business plan and financial planning based on the lessons learned from the MVP phase and to prepare the pilot phase.



Pilot Project

December 2024 – April 2025
After the training, the Fellows will have the opportunity to apply for a pollination grant to develop their MVP and implement their pilot project pilot, allowing them to show impact and develop a promotion and sales strategy to grow in the coming months. They will have regular monitoring visits, coaching calls to discuss the challenges faced and will also be connected to relevant organizations and other funding opportunities.

Programme Closure

May – June 2025 
Share your progress and reflect on lessons learned with the final report of the programme.



